January 16, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Kaili Thorne comes from one of those stage kid families where mom and dad make a whole bunch of cute babies and put them in front of the pedo casting agents and kid show producers and see who sticks. Wherever you see a successful kid actor like a Miley Cyrus or a Bella Thorne, you can bet there’s a bunch of sisters and brothers out there who had to visit Uncle Pete’s Private Magic Closet without anything to show for it career wise. Enter Kaili Thorne, Bella’s older sister who didn’t catch on quite like Bella has with Disney TV and movies. But she does have the advantage of being of age now so she can do topless photoshoots to remind everybody how she almost nailed the iCarly audition and almost became a household name to millions of tween girls. Her little sister can’t do that. Not unless Brooke Shields mom takes over her management and flies her to remote islands for some underaged artistry. I love Hollywood. It’s the ultimate conundrum. A cesspool filled with gorgeous women.
Update: you can’t see Kaili’s titty pictures on here anymore. Suck it up, you’re a big boy.