May 15, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
It’s not easy being an international bra and panties model. First, you’ve got to be born a good looking girl. If that were so easy everybody would be doing it. Then, you can’t eat. I don’t mean ever, just mostly ever, until you learn how to purge. If you get herpes up top, you’re pretty screwed too, so no experimenting with the randy dock boys during middle school. At some point you will need to find an international DJ to knock you up. You want all that impossible to describe talent passed on to your offspring. The idea of them being fondled as a young teen like you were bothers you, though only slightly. Career ends by age 30 and then it’s time for divorce and back to your funky language land to live by the beach with your two kids and your mom and pray you don’t get sunspots because God made you so damn white. It beats being ugly.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News, FameFlynet